Curated list of softwares I'm using to make Ubuntu more human friendly.
- Faster apt, apt-fast
- Faster download, aria2
- Browser, chromium
- Shadowsocks, libev, v2ray plugin, and polipo
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apt-fast/stable -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install apt-fast
sudo apt-fast install chromium-browser shadowsocks-libev polipo -y
- Terminal Tilda
- Shell, Fish
- Font, Fira Code
- Code, Sublime Text
sudo apt-fast install tilda fish fira-code -y
- Chinese, Rime
sudo apt-fast install ibus-rime -y
ibus restart
ibus engine rime
- CompizConfig
- Gnome Tweaks
- Numix
sudo apt-fast install compizconfig-settings-manager numix-gtk-theme gnome-tweaks -y