
Datadog Agent Check : Imports the numeric value returned by Web Scraping

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


This is a Agent Check that imports the numeric value returned by Web Scraping as Datadog's custom metrics. By specifying the URL and XPath of the value you want to monitor, you can periodically import it into Datadog.

Things to prepare

Install this Agent Check on this server.

How to setup

This section describes how to install this Agent Check on Datadog Agent installed on CentOS. Please read accordingly depending on the installation environment.

1. Install Python Module

Install Python Module required for this Agent Check.

$ sudo /opt/datadog-agent/embedded/bin/pip install lxml

2. Install this Agent Check

Place ./checks.d/web_scraping.py in this repository in /etc/dd-agent/checks.d/.

$ sudo cp ./checks.d/web_scraping.py /etc/dd-agent/checks.d/

3. Place custom check configuration file

Create /etc/dd-agent/conf.d/web_scraping.yaml with reference to ./conf.d/web_scraping.yaml.example in this repository.

   min_collection_interval: 60

   - name: wikipedia.en.page.count
     url: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
     xpath: //*[@id="articlecount"]/a[1]/text()
   - name: qiita.datadog.entry
     url: http://qiita.com/tags/Datadog
     xpath: //*[@id="main"]/div/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/text()
  • min_collection_interval specifies the check interval (in seconds)
  • instances specify information of the value you want to get
    • name : Custom metrics name of Datadog
    • url : URL of the value you want to get
    • xpath : XPath of the value you want to get
    • default : Default value when value can not be obtained from html (optional)

If the acquired value contains a value other than a numerical value, only the numerical value is extracted.

4. Test

You have completed the installation of Agent Check. Please test with the following command.

$ sudo -u dd-agent dd-agent check web_scraping

The numerical value got by Agent Check will be displayed as a log, so please check.

5. Restart Datadog Agent

Finally restart Datadog Agent.

$ sudo /etc/init.d/datadog-agent restart

Your custom metrics should now be sent to Datadog.


This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.