Authenticated user managing component for Alfresco 5.x

This project contains a react application for managing logged in users.


To build the module and its AMP / JAR files, run the following command from the base project directory:

mvn clean install

The command builds JAR files named user-session-management-share-<version>.jar/user-session-management-share-<version>.amp, user-session-management-platform-<version>.jar/user-session-management-platform-<version>.amp into <project-directory>/user-session-management-module/user-session-management-platform/target/ and <project-directory>/user-session-management-module/user-session-management-share/target/ directories.


Use alfresco built-in tools to deploy plugin, Alfresco install AMP

Using the component

  • change host configuration for your react server (in AlfrescoApiBean.js), for example http://localhost:3000
  • Run react application (execute command npm start in <project-directory>/user-session-management-react)
  • go to (localhost:3000) and log into react application with administrator permissions
  • In home page you can see logged into share grouped by type
  • Go to page active users
  • Logout any users session