
C++ 將棋實作/ An implementation of shogi in C++

Primary LanguageC++


原先的整份 code 在 cppShogi1 裡面,沒動。 由於心情問題(看自己的 code 越看越不爽),想把整份 code 重寫一次,並改良了一些設計, 期望可以用更乾淨簡練的 code 來推廣將棋。 詳細的實做細節會放在新的文件裡,現在只有中文就是了。

The original project is under cppShogi1/, would be left inactivated. As all the old project suck, I want to rewrite the whole project with some new design. Hope it can be a much cleaner project in coding and using, and maybe faster, for the shogi promotion. The detailed description of new design will be explained in new document.

  • cppShogi1 --> original cppShogi (complete)
  • cppShogi2 --> new design of cppShogi (under debugging)