Source code for the article: "A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for the clique partitioning problem"

Primary LanguageC++


Source code for the article: "A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for the clique partitioning problem"

  1. For the source code, the format of input parameters is listed as follows,
    -f ./instance/rand500-100.txt -t 500 -g 123456 -v 309125 -b 8 -c 0.96 -d 1.0 -s 0.6 -p 10

  2. Please make sure that the following paper is cited if you use the code in your research.
    Lu, Z., Zhou, Y., & Hao, J. K. (2021). A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for the clique partitioning problem. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 52(9), 9391-9403.

  3. The source code is distributed for academic purposes only.
    If you wish to use it for commercial applications, please contact the authors (zhilusix@gmail.com, zhou.yi@uestc.edu.cn, jin-kao.hao@univ-angers.fr).