
Email open & click tracking server for goCabrito

Primary LanguageCSS


Email open & click tracking server for goCabrito. It works extactly similar to marketing emails. It detects the uniqly generated URLs for each sent email. In nutshell, it's like goPhish tracking opens and clicks to give statistics however getCabrito is not a full solution like goPish it just tracks and save the tracks in a sqlite database.

The script takes a sqlite database generate by goCabrito. The generate database (by goCabrito) contains all the users that have been tracked by injecting one or more of the tracking tags {{track-open}} or {{track-click}}.

Once the tracking URL is visited, it maps the hash from the URL with current database records. It then update the database with the required information such as:

  • click_at
  • click_count
  • open_at
  • open_count
  • user_agent
  • ip_addr
  • loots (submitted data if any POST request)

Although getCabrito updates the given database with the above collected data, it writes in visits.log file for debugging

{"target_id"=>2, "email"=>"user2@example.com", "hash"=>"251d01e26c5aada16a6d713b4de70bb89ff3298f", "session"=>"1bb38e017d5f72905d8fc6964e271b5f94f0cbc6c997e862fad646e87e05c3ec", "click_at"=>"2021-06-21 09:10:56 +0300", "open_at"=>"2021-06-21 09:10:56 +0300", "user_agent"=>"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36", "ip_addr"=>"", "click_count"=>5, "open_count"=>1}: 
{"loot_id"=>27, "loot"=>"user2@example.com", "target_id"=>2}: 

Note: I've added some queries that might help you to generate some statistics after you finish your campagin(s).

All what you need to do is after/during the campagin, you run these scripts against the sqlite database you have get some numbers

  • number of clicks
  • number of opens
  • data submitted
  • vistis
ruby queries/read-sql.rb sql.db
ruby queries/statistics.rb sql.db


--> Open count
--> Click count
--> Known
--> Unkown
--> Submitted


apt-get install build-essential libsqlite3-dev sqlite3
gem install sinatra rerun sqlite3
rerun 'ruby getCabrito.rb sql.db'

How to use?

Setup nginx to work as reverse proxy to forward requests to getCabrito script. The setup is identical to creds-harvester as it work mostly like it in addition to the tracking part.

Step #1

Put your cloned website under views directory

Step #2

Find the input id from within the cloned login form you want to use (case sensitive). Example:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h2>HTML Forms</h2>

<form action="/login">
  <input type="text" id="UserName" name="User">
  <input type="password" id="Password" name="Pass">
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

  • Parameter id for user is: UserName
  • Parameter id for pass is: Password
  • Change the "Action" attributes to be "/login" as of we have in the getCabrito.rb file. (you can change the route /login to anything but make sure that you edit it in the HTML too)

Step #3

Go edit getCabrito.rb script and add the parameter ID's as there are in the HTML form

username = params['Username']
password = params['Password']

The Main page

Specify the main page file from within views directory. No need to include views directory as it's already included.

erb 'PATH/TO/LOGIN_PAGE'.to_sym

Redirect 404

You can redirect the users to the main page if visited not found pages

not_found do
  redirect '/'.to_sym

Redirect after submitting

Also, you can redirect the users once they submit their credentials to the cloned website or other of your choice.

redirect 'https://google.com'

Step #4

Run the script as following

rerun 'ruby getCabrito.rb'

Step #5 (optional - recommended)

Sometime the phishing website is just a small part of many websites on the server.

If you want to run it with nginx, you can make nginx as reverse proxy for the application.

  1. Run the script (Step #4)

  2. Configure nginx

nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/example.com.conf

Then add the following and restart nginx service.

server {
    listen 80 default_server;
    listen [::]:80 default_server;
    server_name _;
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
    location / {
      proxy_pass       http://localhost:8181;
      proxy_set_header Host      $host;
      proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;