Config files for my GitHub profile.

hii my name is marina! i also go by other names like ramona and nene but i pref marina!

i go by any pronouns really, i dont really care how u refer 2 me i wont get too upset abt it.

im nonbinary and asexual, and gay and im taken by the nicestst most epic guy on earthh! so pls dont flirt with me, i will be upset and go quiett.. (or ill simply act like i didnt understand u..

also note i dont play pt freq, whenever i do it is mostly likely 2 be with friends or my bf, also 2 note i dont like associating other platforms with pt so just beware the only way 2 communicate with me outside of pt will be through my bf or his sys..

anywaysss me and wrio r pearlina trust!!