
Documentation for using KIPAC's computing and storage allocations at SLAC and Stanford

KIPAC Computing

This site contains documentation for KIPAC's computing allocations at SLAC and Stanford. For general information about computing at KIPAC, please see kipac.stanford.edu/resources/computing.


The SLAC Shared Science Data Facility (S3DF) is the primary compute, storage and network facility at SLAC.
See the S3DF README for more information.


Sherlock is a high-performance shared computing cluster for research at Stanford.
See the Sherlock README for more information.


Oak is a high-performance computing storage system at Stanford and mounted on Sherlock.
See the Oak README and examples for more details.


This documentation will only get better if it is maintained. Please fork this repo, add new revisions, and then submit a pull request!

General Help

Please see the #kipac-computing Slack channel on the Stanford University organization for help and general discussion about KIPAC computing resources. For specific questions, including requesting access to Oak or the KIPAC Github organization, please contact Marcelo Alvarez.