
Local copypython 3 script for the Hamamatsu c11204-01/02 power supply

Primary LanguagePython


python 3 script for the Hamamatsu c11204-01/02 power supply


This module requires numpy and pySerial and will be installed automatically


Install this package by the following command on a console:

pip3 install pyCLAWSps


Tested with only python 3

Using the package

To use this code simply import module and initialise with commands. Make sure to connect power supply to the PC before initializing

>>> from pyCLAWSps import CLAWSps
>>> ps = CLAWSps()
>>> ps.printStatus()


  • printMonitorInfo() - Prints information on the power supply status, voltage (V) and current (mA) values
  • getPowerInfo() - Returns the power supply voltage (V) and current (mA) values as tuple
  • setHVOff() - Set power supply High Voltage OFF
  • setHVOn() - Set power supply High Voltage ON
  • reset() - Reset the power supply
  • setVoltage(voltage_dec) - Sets the high voltage output to the voltage specified (V)
  • getVoltage() - Returns power supply voltage in Volts
  • getCurrent() - Returns power supply current in mA
  • printStatus() - Prints status information on the power supply (similar to 'getMonitorInfo()') but without voltage and current values
  • close() - Close serial port
  • help() - This help

NOTE - The applied voltage can be set upto 90 V by c11204 power supply. Change the upper voltage limit (self.V_lim_upper in pyCLAWSps/__init__) as required by the MPPC in use. Default is set to 60 V