Subversion support
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I am currently looking into an automated testing system for a large first-year student course. We traditionally provide all our students with SVN repositories and would really like to continue to do so, but at the same time we are considering to use Praktomat to grade submissions. I wonder if there has been any work / ideas to allow solutions to be automatically fetched from SVN?
We have certainly been wishing for something like this, but nothing has been implemented. It might be possible to implement that integration using a SVN push hook. I have once done something similar ( so it is certainly possible. But you’d have to do it yourself, I guess.
Sure, on the SVN side this is easy. I wonder how to best interact with Praktomat. Where should I hook in to make this happen? Do you think I need to go through the webinterface, or could there be a way to do this in some way on the command line. E.g. that I provide a tool ./praktomat upload-submission
I would use django’s “admin commands” for that, at least if all happens on one machine.
@tobiasgrosser Since you have asked for SVN support about six years ago, did you have implemented some?
Wow, this was a long time ago. I meanwhile use github actions.