- 1
- 1
solutions/ should use task.max_file_size if uploaded solution is a zip-file.
#359 opened by ifrh - 0
Fork of Praktomat Repo
#357 opened by skogsbaer - 2
TaskAdmin-Actions : check_multiple // Fatal Python error : _PyInterpreterState_DeleteExceptMain: not main interpreter : solved!
#353 opened by ifrh - 4
Java security restrictions
#350 opened by ifrh - 3
praktomat.policy vs java.policy
#307 opened by chris21k - 12
Configuration of deployment installation
#250 opened by physikerwelt - 1
Close Milestone "Juli 2014"
#339 opened by ifrh - 2
Remove GCJ support
#344 opened by hannesbraun - 1
Feature: Reenable travis builds....
#340 opened by ifrh - 1
Compiler C
#240 opened by andromeda979 - 1
python 3.9.12 : Unit Tests for R Checker fail : NOT NULL constraint : missing mimetype for example.R
#336 opened by ifrh - 13
python 3.8.3 delivers "preexec_fn not supported within subinterpreters" error
#312 opened by chris21k - 24
Pullrequests ( Opened in 2016 with updates to February 2022 / Merged into master on 7th February 2022 ) - or what is the integration merge workflow?
#280 opened by ifrh - 8
Attestation not possible although task expired
#306 opened by chris21k - 3
mat_number identity protection
#277 opened by physikerwelt - 2
multiple but different defined d.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS in settings/
#324 opened by ifrh - 5
corresponding default values for checkstyle CHECKSTYLEALLJAR and JPLAGJAR
#246 opened by physikerwelt - 0
Python 3.10
#321 opened by chris21k - 3
Praktomat Timeout didn't work with every kind of checkers. <== Includes Patch for Praktomat/src/utilities/
#255 opened by ifrh - 0
prevent importing the same final grade rating scale and rating scale items while importing tasks not as template
#316 opened by ifrh - 5
Subversion support
#256 opened by tobiasgrosser - 1
Docker error: Praktomat cannot find "Docker commands"
#239 opened by ifrh - 6
Solution files are overwritten
#281 opened by RomanLangrehr - 2
- 3
- 1
- 3
Admin solutions changelist view + Admin tasks changelist view: should have more logic while choosing colours and symbols for column entries
#315 opened by ifrh - 2
Crash: UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 246: ordinal not in range(128)
#313 opened by DeveloperTK - 11
praktomat.wsgi incompatible with virtualenv 20.x
#309 opened by chris21k - 2
- 3
- 3
- 0
unable to register as an user (local method)
#305 opened by chris21k - 2
UserWarning while running "pip install -Ur Praktomat/requirements.txt" // DEPRECATION: pip will drop support for Python 2.7
#294 opened by ifrh - 3
Praktomat should not return HTTP status code 500 if there are no finalized solutions
#253 opened by physikerwelt - 1
- 1
replace jcf-dump with javap
#301 opened by ifrh - 3
- 7
Default permissions: Trainer + Tutor: (using own defined roles) : using pypi/django-permission + pypi/django-admin-view-permission
#241 opened by ifrh - 1
Unable to build docker image
#286 opened by lohner - 0
Static-File 404 not Found im Deployment Betrieb
#285 opened by Mo23 - 5
#244 opened by physikerwelt - 0
Feature-Request: Change workflow for versioning files Praktomat/src/settings/*.py
#259 opened by ifrh - 2
junit checker requires a main routine
#247 opened by physikerwelt - 1
Allow the use of tmp files
#254 opened by physikerwelt - 3
JUnit checker requires ignored files
#251 opened by physikerwelt - 1
Scala and SBT compiler
#243 opened by andromeda979 - 0
travis build is broken
#248 opened by physikerwelt - 2
Failed while creating the Docker-Image
#237 opened by ifrh