- 2
Can't dump
#258 opened by RainyLave - 2
Clutch -i Killed in iOS 15.3.1
#253 opened by levinl - 1
"Failed to dump framework Purchases :("
#256 opened by mailinglists35 - 0
Failed to find address of header (Roar Rampage)
#259 opened by yuvalyly - 1
- 0
Failed to dump a page (32) could not crack binary, anyone know how to fix
#255 opened by valentinoscracks - 8
Segmentation fault: 11
#245 opened by 008v - 27
IOS 12 support please
#228 opened by SergeKZ - 0
- 0
- 2
Could not obtain mach port
#237 opened by tomatobin - 13
Failed to dump Gridrunner game
#248 opened by gingerbeardman - 2
Clutch 2.0.4 not able to dump arm64 binary
#244 opened by localacct - 4
cannot support iOS13(iPhone 8)
#239 opened by xietao1233 - 2
iOS12.4上提示kill 9了,你们现在用什么静态砸壳
#238 opened by wengxianxun - 3
- 0
Failed to dump ApowerMirror application ios10
#243 opened by Oh-Py-God - 5
Is there any way to run on macOS?
#241 opened by TLHorse - 0
Clutch malloc: can't allocate region securely
#240 opened by gpmikhail - 2
Failed to dump a page - issue with appex + arm64
#236 opened by bensh - 18
- 1
Support tvOS 10.2.2
#235 opened by linhmui - 0
Clutch 2.0 RC4 Error in iOS 12.1.1 uncover jailbreak.
#234 opened by Mr007jd - 6
最新编译的Clutch,ios12.0 dump 失败
#231 opened by wimdoan - 3
Dump appears to be successful, IDA complains
#232 opened by mariopepe - 0
Failed to dump com.netmarble.knightsgb
#221 opened by imlyj - 1
Failed to dump com.feng.New.WPForumClient
#230 opened by insomnia417 - 1
enterprise app
#222 opened by ruijiexie - 1
Failed to dump Netflix
#225 opened by nanatlantica - 0
Support Jailbreak iOS 11
#217 opened by ADMNTK - 6
Failed to dump com.netmarble.gdk
#218 opened by imlyj - 0
#229 opened by insomnia417 - 1
Failed to dump com.gemd.iting
#227 opened by wdq123550 - 2
Can't dump apps - iOS 11.3
#224 opened by ftitreefly - 0
Failed to dump com.tencent.microvision
#223 opened by DobeReverser - 3
crack apps Apple TV 4
#215 opened by ADMNTK - 0
"Zipping TargetBroadcastUpload.appex" crash
#219 opened by Amoystyle - 4
Clutch doesn't work even though it is signed correctly with entitlements - Electra iOS 11
#207 opened by andrewwiik - 0
"Zipping TodayExtension.appex" crash
#209 opened by wnxd - 1
Clutch Support JB iOS 11.1.2
#216 opened by ADMNTK - 3
- 2
bypass Cracked app security
#208 opened by sidBOT - 2
Phone crashing when dumping framework
#213 opened by andermoran - 2
Uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException'
#214 opened by mgp25 - 0
Can't print installed applications
#212 opened by on7line - 1
dump binary from terminal on mac?
#210 opened by JosephShenton - 1
Cannot update app whose binary Clutch dumped
#204 opened by subdiox - 2
Build Error
#206 opened by dannyZhou - 2
Killed: 9 on iOS 10.2
#200 opened by leuldereje - 1
killed 9 - ios 11.1.2
#199 opened by codex7