
Where in the world is the International Space Station (ISS)

Primary LanguagePython

Where in the world is the International Space Station (ISS) ?

Part A

Using this public API, write a python program to obtain a list of the astronauts who are currently in space.  Print their full names, the spacecraft they are currently on board, and the total number of astronauts in space.


Part B

Using another public API, obtain the current geographic coordinates (lat/lon) of the space station, along with a timestamp.


Part C

With the turtle graphics library (part of standard Python), create a graphics screen with the world map background image.  Use turtle methods such as Screen, setup, bgpic, setworldcoordinates.  Register an icon image for the ISS station within the turtle screen context, and create a turtle.Turtle() context to move the ISS station to its current lat/lon on the map.  Use methods such as shape, setheading, penup, and goto.

Part D

Find out the next time that the ISS will be overhead of Indianapolis IN.  Use our geographic lat/lon to plot a yellow dot on the map.  Use this public API to query the next pass:


You will need to supply the lat/lon coordinates as query parameters to this url.  The passover times are returned as timestamps, so you will need to use the time.ctime() method to convert them to human-readable text.  Render the next passover time next to the Indianapolis location dot that you plotted earlier.
