
I created this game using Unity and C#. Love Letter is a card game with 16 cards in total and 8 different types of card. I wanted to see if I could apply the logic of this card game into a digital version, as each card has different actions when played.

Features of the game:

  • Player can see their own hand.
  • Player sees the back of the cards of computer players.
  • Player can click on the card deck when it is their turn to deal themselves a card.
  • Player can click on the card they would like to play, and it will move it into the player's discard pile.
  • If card has an action that requires a target, player can choose which player to target.
  • When the computer players play a card, the card is revealed and moved to their discard pile.
  • Cards move around the table with some animation.
  • If the player is knocked out of the round, they can no longer pick up cards for that round.
  • Some simple AI added to allow the computer players to play in a logical way rather than randomly playing cards.
  • After a round is finished, game moves on to the next round, and keeps track of the player scores.
  • Game will end once a player reaches 4 points.
  • The moves each player makes is recorded in a text box at the bottom of the screen.

To play:

Clone this repository, and open 'Standalone Build'. To quit the application, press the escape button.