- Thing we are going over
- VS Code is the best thing ever...
- Useful Links
- Useful Keyboard Shortcuts
- Debugger Reference
- Markdown Intro
- Markdown Preview
- Themes briefly (google is your friend)
- Settings briefly (google is your friend)
- Mac
- Code>Prefences>Settings
- Search "tab size"
- Windows
- File>Prefences>Settings
- Search "tab size"
- Linux ??? but probably similar
- Mac
- Extensions (google is your friend)
- Main ones I use
- Eslint
- Markdown Preview Enhanced
- Markdown Shorcuts
- VS Live Share
- Main ones I use
- Emmet
- Emmet HTML
- Emmet JSX
- Intellisense
- (import db.js into server.js)
- Snippets and Autocomplete
- Custom Snippets
- Snippet Extensions
- Git Integration
- Pulling/Pushing
- Full Commits/Staging Commits
- Undo
- Extended debugger example
- Toy Problems
- Server Side Example
- VS Live Share (This may be save your life in solo week)
But now how do I transfer my amazing settings between my many computers:
Fear not here there is an extension for that. Click here on your own time to learn more!
Markdown Cheat Sheet Emmet Cheat Sheet VS Code Guid to Snippets
- Open Terminal: (control + `)
- Open New Folder: (cmd + 'O')
- Move line up/down: (option + 'arrow up||arrow down)
- Find and Select All: (cmd + f) > Type Word > (option + enter)
Either be inside a javascript file in a directory WITHOUT a package.json
Or node will use the file described as "main" in package.json as a start point.
Navigate to debug screen on left hand side
Place a debugger statement in code where you would like to stop.
Press green play button, select node.js if dropdown appears
Code will run in debug terminal, note errors and console.logs will be displayed there, If you are running a node.js server in another terminal using the same port you will get an EADDRESS error
Make sure the code you wish to test is being triggered, either by api calls from postman or by ensuring the function you which to test is called.
Happy debugging!