wss:// wss://
Basically for embedded thus get started with C, C++ based servers.
- Collect data from NXP board . NXP Board is already displaying certain data on web page through a network.
- Research about why we need to connect board to the App.
- How can we configure App with Board.
- How App will communicate with NXP board.
- Research about types of communication.
- Existing Feature: Board is connected to the network, so use a web communication and research about how can we configure it.
- Study existing NXP server and client code.
- Challenges during the interface
- Create a client App which can connect to a NXP web Server.
- Once set up is done start research for different parameters.
54 Output:
- Display data (Image,video, Statistics) on App.
- How App is responsing while collecting data (Speed, Usability, HMI) webservers
Go to your folder:
- git init
- git status (To check which files need to add in repo)
- git add
- master to your branch or vice versa
- git checkout
- git remote update 2.git fetch 3.git checkout
- git status
- git config <>
- git config <>
- git add
- git commit -m ""
- git push origin