AUViewController's viewWillAppear: is not always called when using Mac Catalyst or binary built for iPad.
Currently, the following methods are not always called in a subclass of AUViewController when using Mac Catalyst or binary built for iPad.
- viewWillAppear:
- viewDidAppear:
- viewWillDisappear:
- viewDidDisappear:
Expected: These methods should be called when I hide/show the AudioUnit window.
Actually: These methods are not called.
When using AppKit, viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear, viewWillDisappear, viewDidDisappear are always called when I hide/show the window. Please fix these difference of AppKit and Catalyst / built for iPad.
- Built a target TestAUMac.
- run the following command
auval -l | grep TestAUMac
and confirm the AudioUnit is detected. - Attach PID name of "TestAUMacExtension" in Xcode.
- Open GarageBand.
- Open "TestAUMacExtension" in GarageBand and the extension is attached.
- Click the plugin name and open a window.
- Confirm "ViewWillAppear" log message.
- Close the plugin window.
- Confirm "ViewDidDisappear" log message.
- Quit GarageBand.
- Clean the project in Xcode.
- Build a target TestAUMac_iOS
- run the following command
auval -l | grep TestAUMac
and confirm the AudioUnit is detected. - Attach PID name of "TestAUMacExtension" in Xcode.
- Open GarageBand.
- Open "TestAUMacExtension" in GarageBand and the extension is attached.
- "ViewWillAppear" log message is shown. (UNEXPECTED)
- Click the plugin name and open a window.
- No "ViewWillAppear" log message is shown. (UNEXPECTED)
- Close the plugin window.
- No "ViewDidDisappear" log message is shown. (UNEXPECTED)
- Quit GarageBand.
- "ViewDidDisappear" log message is shown.