
Primary LanguageC

Project #1: My Powerful Shell

*** Due on 11:59:59pm, April 2 (Friday)***


With the system calls learned in the class and a few additional ones, you are ready to manipulate processes in the system. Let's build my powerful shell with those system calls.


  • Shell is a program that interpretes user inputs, and processes them accordingly. The example includes the Command Prompt in Windows, Bourne Shell in Linux, zsh in macOSX, so forth.

  • An user can input a command by writing a sentence on the shell and press the "Enter" key. Upon receiving the input, the shell parses the requests into command tokens, and diverges execution according to the first token.

  • The shell always assumes that the first token is the filename of the executable file to run except for cd, history, and ! (see belows for the descriptions of those). The shell executes the executable with the rest of the tokens as the arguments. For example, if an user inputs ls -al /home/sce213, the shell will execute ls executable with -al and /home/sce213 as its arguments. The shell may execute the executable using the -p variant of the exec() system call family so that the executable file is automatically checked from the $PATH environment variable.

Problem Specification

  • The shell program posh (POwerful SHell) awaits your command line input after printing out "$" as the prompt. When you enter a line of command, the framework tokenizes the command line with parse_command() function, and the framework calls run_command() function with the tokens. You need to implement following features starting in run_command().

  • Currently, the shell keeps getting input commands and processes them until the user enters exit. In that case, the shell program exits.

Execute external commands (50 pts)

  • When the shell gets a command, it should run the executable as explained in Background. Each command can be comprised of one exeutable followed by zero or more arguments. For example;

    $ /bin/ls
    list_head.h  Makefile  pa1.c  parser.c  parser.h  README.md  types.h
    $ ls
    list_head.h  Makefile  pa1.c  parser.c  parser.h  README.md  types.h
    $ pwd
    $ cp pa1.c pa1-backup.c
    $ ls
    list_head.h  Makefile  pa1-backup.c  pa1.c  parser.c  parser.h  README.md  types.h
    $ exit
  • Your task is to execute external executables (such as ls, pwd, and cp), NOT to implement the function of each command.

  • When the specified executable cannot be executed for some reasons, print out the following message to stderr.

    if (unable to execute the specified command) {
    	fprintf(stderr, "Unable to execute %s\n", the first token of the command);
      $ blah blahh
      Unable to execute blah
  • Use toy program which is included in the template code for your development and testing. It simply prints out the arguments it receives, so you can check whether your implementation handles input commands properly.

    $ ./toy arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4
    pid  = xxxxxx
    argc = 5
    argv[0] = ./toy
    argv[1] = arg1
    argv[2] = arg2
    argv[3] = arg3
    argv[4] = arg4
  • Hint: fork(), exec(), wait(), waitpid()

Change working directory (20 pts)

  • The shell has so-called current working directory on which the shell is on. All operations are processed on the current working directory by default, and you can check the current working directory with /bin/pwd. This is similar to what happens when you browse folders with the Explorer; when you select "New Folder", a new folder will be created on the "current" folder. You can change the current folder by selecting one of folders in the directory.

  • Implement cd, a special command manipulating the current working directory. This command is special in that this feature is not handled by executing executables but the shell understands the command and processes itself. In this sense, this type of command is called a built-in command.

  • Each user has one's home directory which is denoted by ~. The actual path is defined in $HOME environment variable. Make cd command to understand it

    $ pwd
    /home/directory/of/your/account  # Assume this is the home directory of the user
    $ cd /somewhere/i/dont/know
    $ pwd
    $ cd ~
    $ pwd
    $ cd /somewhere/i/know
    $ pwd
    $ cd   # Equivalent to cd ~
    $ pwd
  • Hints: chdir(), getenv("HOME")

Keep the command history (50 pts)

  • It would be awesome if the shell remembers all your past commands and allows to run some easily, isn't it? So, the instructor initially designed the framework to support the nice feature, but could not finish by the deadline. Your task is to complete this feature.

  • When the framework receives a line of command, it invokes keep_in_history() before processing the command. Complete the function to maintain the command history. You must use struct list_head history to keep the history. (Updated March 22, 5pm) Do not access prev and next of struct list_head directly as of PA0.

  • (Updated March 22, 5pm) Your implementation should be able to hold unlimited history entries. Also, each command can be up to some size limit, which should be considered during allocating the buffer for command strings.

  • When the user enters history in the prompt, print out the history of commands in the following format. Note that history will be a built-in command since the shell needs to process this command by itself.

      fprintf(stderr, "%2d: %s", index, command);
  • Allow the user to execute n-th command in the history with ! <number>. See below example

      $ ls
      list_head.h  Makefile  pa1.c  pa1.o  parser.c  parser.h  parser.o  posh  README.md  subdir  testcases  toy  toy.c  toy.o  types.h
      $ cp pa1.c temp.c
      $ ls -al
      $ cat types.h parser.h
      $ history
       0: ls
       1: cp pa1.c temp.c
       2: ls -al
       3: cat types.h parser.h
       4: history
      $ ! 0   # Rerun 0-th command in the history, which is "ls".
      list_head.h  Makefile  pa1-backup.c  pa1.c  pa1.o  parser.c  parser.h  parser.o  posh  README.md  subdir  temp.c  testcases  toy  toy.c  toy.o	types.h
      $ history
       0: ls
       1: cp pa1.c temp.c
       2: ls -al
       3: cat types.h parser.h
       4: history
       5: ! 0
       6: history
      $ ! 4   # 4-th command in the history is "history"
       0: ls
       1: cp pa1.c temp.c
       2: ls -al
       3: cat types.h parser.h
       4: history
       5: ! 0
       6: history
       7: ! 4
      $ ! 7  # 7-th entry is "! 4", which is "history"
       0: ls
       1: cp pa1.c temp.c
       2: ls -al
       3: cat types.h parser.h
       4: history
       5: ! 0
       6: history
       7: ! 4
       8: ! 7
  • Hint: Recall the exercise done as PA0.

Connect two processes with a pipe (100 pts)

  • As we discussed in the class, we can connect two processes with an ordinary pipe. Implement this feature.

  • The user may enter two commands with the pipe symbol | in between. All output of the first command should be carried to the input of the second command.

      $ cat pa1.c | sort -n
      $ echo "hello my cruel world" | cut -c2-5
  • Note that the shell should be sane after processing the pipe.

  • Hints

    • Use pipe() and dup2().
      • Implement incrementally. First check whether the pipe symbol exists in the tokens. If not, just do execute the command. If exists, split the tokens into two pars and feed them to two different processes which are connected through a pipe.

Restriction and hints

  • For your coding practice, the compiler is set to halt on some (important) warnings. Write your code to fully comply the C99 standard.
  • DO NOT USE system() system call. You will get 0 pts if you use it.
  • DO NOT implement external programs' features by yourself (e.g., printing out a message to handle echo command, listing the current directory to handle ls command, etc). You will not get any point in this case.
  • It is advised to test your code on your computer first and to implement incrementally. Some sample inputs are included under testcase directory. Try to input each line or just run ./posh < [input file].

Submission / Grading

  • 260 pts in total
  • Source: pa1.c (220 pts in total)
    • (Updated March 22, 5pm) You can submit up to 50 times to be tested on PASubmit.
    • Points will be prorated by testcase results.
  • Document: One PDF document (30 pts). It should include ALL the followings;
    • Outline how programs are launched and how arguments are passed

    • How the command history is maintained and replayed later

    • Your STRATEGY to implement the pipe

    • AND lessons learned




  • Git repository URL at git.ajou.ac.kr (10 pts)
    • To get the points, you should actually use the repository to manage your code (i.e., have more than two commits which are hours aparts). You will not get any point if you just committed your final code or the repository is not properly cloned.
      • How to create your repository to submit:
        • Clone this repository into your computer.
        • Create a private project from http://git.ajou.ac.kr.
        • Push the local repository onto the gitlab repository.
        • Generate a deploy token from Settings/Repository/Deploy Token. Make sure you're working with deploy token not deploy key.
        • Register at PASubmit using the repository URL and deploy token.
        • PASubmit only accepts the repository address over HTTP. SSH URL will be rejected.
      • For the slip token policy, the grading will happen after the deadline. So, the deploy token should valid through the due date + 5 days.
  • QUESTIONS OVER EMAIL WILL BE IGNORED unless it concerns your privacy.