
Understand Algorithms by seeing them in action!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Learn Algorithms by seeing them in action! Algorithms made easy through animations made in python3 using tkinter library

Project Demo Link


User Interface


{% include youtubePlayer.html id="8jIHsbx6LHg" %}


  • Generate rectangular components with random heights representing element values to be worked upon
  • Change number of elements - 'Size' and dynamically update the rectangular components. 'Size' can range from 3 to 100
  • Set 'Step-Delay' (in sec) - the time interval between each consecutive operation. Step-delay can range from 0.0-1.0 sec with a resolution of 0.1 sec
  • Sliders have been provided for setting 'Size' and 'Step-Delay' thus eliminating the hassle of manual input
  • Combobox for selecting Algorithm to visualize
  • Counters for indicating 'Size' and 'Step-Delay'

NOTE: Although efforts have been made to keep the color scheme of the elements intuitive enough, if you wish to check a particular color you can look up the color reference provided for every algorithm

Algorithms Covered

  • Searching

    • Linear Search

      Linear search

      • Best : Ω(1)
      • Average : θ(n)
      • Worst : O(n)
      Color Reference
      • Grey bar : Elements
      • Blue bar : Element to be searched
      • White bar : Element currently checking for equivalence
      • Green bar : Element found
      • Red bar : Element found unequal
      Algorithm in action

      {% include youtubePlayer.html id="dEPZ1lXbwTs" %}

    • Binary Search

      Binary search

      • Best : Ω(1)
      • Average : θ(log n)
      • Worst : O(log n)
      Color Reference
      • Grey bar : Elements
      • Blue bar : Element to be searched
      • Red bar : Elements discarded after checking
      • Green bar : Element found
      Algorithm in action

      {% include youtubePlayer.html id="dEPZ1lXbwTs" %}

  • Sorting

    • Bubble Sort

      bubble sort

      • Best : Ω(n)
      • Average : θ(n^2)
      • Worst : O(n^2)
      Color Reference
      • Grey bar : Elements
      • Red bar : Elements not found in sorted order
      • White bar : Element currently being compared
      • Green bar : Element in sorted order
      Algorithm in action

      {% include youtubePlayer.html id="p1WbJWpqKqM" %}

    • Selection Sort

      selection sort

      • Best : Ω(n^2)
      • Average : θ(n^2)
      • Worst : O(n^2)
      Color Reference
      • Grey bar : Elements
      • Blue bar : Element found to be minimum in that iteration
      • White bar : Element being compared with minimum element
      • Green bar : Element in sorted order
      Algorithm in action

      {% include youtubePlayer.html id="0VhsdJ9cMwQ" %}

    • Insertion Sort

      insertion sort

      • Best : Ω(n)
      • Average : θ(n^2)
      • Worst : O(n^2)
      Color Reference
      • Grey bar : Elements
      • Blue bar : Element at key index (element to be inserted)
      • White bar : Element
      • Red bar : Element less than the element at key index
      • Green bar : Element sorted
      Algorithm in action

      {% include youtubePlayer.html id="Py5_877vUQE" %}

    • Merge Sort

      merge sort

      • Best : Ω(nlog n)
      • Average : θ(nlog n)
      • Worst : O(nlog n)
      Color Reference
      • Grey bar : Elements
      • Blue bar : Elements being compared while merging sorted elements
      • White bar : Elements being sorted recursively
      • Green bar : Element found smaller while merging sorted elements
      Algorithm in action

      {% include youtubePlayer.html id="QSUwjoiuP-s" %}

    • Quick Sort(*)

      quick sort

      • Best : Ω(nlog n)
      • Average : θ(nlog n)
      • Worst : O(n^2)
      Color Reference
      • Grey bar : Elements
      • Blue bar : Elements being compared while merging sorted elements
      • White bar : Elements being sorted recursively
      • Green bar : Element found smaller while merging sorted elements
    • Radix Sort(*)

      radix sort

      • Best : Ω(nk)
      • Average : θ(nk)
      • Worst : O(nk)
      Color Reference
      • Grey bar : Elements
      • Blue bar : Elements being compared while merging sorted elements
      • White bar : Elements being sorted recursively
      • Green bar : Element found smaller while merging sorted elements

    Time complexity cheat-sheet

    cheat sheet

    Things I learned while building this project

    • Increased my knowledge of algorithms
    • Learned canvas object and its drawing functions in Tkinter
    • Better UI design of desktop apps in Tkinter
    • Embedding YouTube videos in Jekyll styled pages

    Foreseeable future improvements

    • Adding more sorting algorithms
    • Adding linked list and tree visualization capability
    • Comparison feature between two algorithms side by side
    • Selective control over elements like 'ascending','descending','random','almost sorted' to have better comparison in different circumstances
    • Implement multi-threading to run tasks concurrently
    • The whole visualization process implemented throught the matplotlib library

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