
Simple compiler of hlsl shader with model version 4, SlimDX implemented.

Primary LanguageC#

hlsl v4 compiler

By Yunong Wang (DrippySummer @ KLDistance)

Simple compiler of hlsl shader with model version 4 used in daily development.
This program implements SlimDX and .NET framework 3.5 (Win7, 8, 8.1 and 10 supported).


The command line tool requires some parameters to trace the source and generate target .cso files.
If you want to compile single or multipule .vs or .ps, execute it as

hlslc.exe xxxx.vs oooo.ps
This command will generate "xxxx.cso" and "oooo.cso" in current directory.
There are other types of input parameters, with the following format.

To compile a cluster of shaders
hlslc.exe [-s] <src_ps_vs>
To compile a cluster of shaders and put the generated binaries (.cso) in the specified directory
hlslc.exe -s <src_ps_vs> -d <target_dir>
To recursively compile the shaders with depth-first approach, if you prefer automatic method to find the sub-directory shaders
hlslc.exe -r <src_init_dir> [-d <target_dir>]

Best regards!