
exploring electronic circuits -- creating different types of clocks in vhdl

Primary LanguageVHDL


Experimenting with digital circuit design by creating 3 different types of clocks:

  1. Modulo k counter
  2. 3 bit bcd counter
  3. ordinary time of day clock

The Altera DE2-70 board is utilized.

The main purpose is to identify how to utilize the 50MHz clock to operate the clocks.

To run:

  • Install any Quartus edition with support for Cyclone II devices. There is a free edition (might be called the web edition or subscription edition). (quartus dl link)
  • Open the .qpf file (quartus project file)
  • Set any file you would like to run to top priority and compile.
  • If you want to load the design onto the fpga chip, connect the DE2-70 board, connect the pin assignments, compile, then run.