
Project 3: Where am I? From Udacity Robotics Engeneer Nanodegree

How to install

Simply put all three packages to the catkin_ws/src directory and run


from catkin_ws directory. This should build all the packages and Ackermann steering plugin without problems!

How to use

First you need to launch the world simulation with

roslaunch my_robot world.launch

Then you need to launch AMCL localization node with

roslaunch my_robot amcl.launch

And you're good to go!

You can control the robot by creating 2DNavigation goal in Rviz.

You can also run keyboard teleop node to control the robot manualy with

rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard

The robot starts in the hallway, so it is hard to locolize it right away. But as soon as the robot enters one of the rooms localization solution should converge quickly!

Known Issues

Gazebo crash

Sometimes gazebo just crashes - simply relaunch it.