Build your own Discord bot in a very organized and easy way using our handler Feel free to add a star ⭐ to the repository to promote the project!
By using this project, you can shorten the time and facilitate many things for you while writing your bot
- Supports slachcommands
- Very organized responses
- You can use shortcuts in any file using JSDocs
- And many more features discover it yourself
Before creating an issue, please ensure that it hasn't already been reported/suggested And if you have a question, please ask it in the Discord server instead of opening an issue. If you wish to contribute to the KINGMANDEV codebase or documentation, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request!
Discord.js-v13-handler licensed under the BSL-1.0 license. See the file LICENSE
for more information. If you plan to use any part of this source code in your own bot, I would be grateful if you would include some form of credit somewhere.