
A tool for writing custom patches for the micro16 simulator by David Krywult, Jannis Meixner and the TGI Team

Primary LanguageBatchfileGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Modding framework for the micro16 simulator


  • java
  • git



  1. Clone this repository
  2. Download the official micro16-simulator.jar from tuwel and move it into the project root
  3. Run setup.bat/setup.sh, this will download all required libraries
  4. Edit decompile.bat/decompile.sh and replace the IDEA_PATH with the path to your IDEA installation
  5. Run decompile.bat/decompile.sh
  6. Apply all default patches by running git apply ../patches/* from the newly created src directory (this may not work properly within cmd, use (git) bash)


Once you have applied the patches in step 7 of Setup. You are ready to compile the project. This step depends on your IDE



Simply create a new run configuration using micro16sdk.Main as a Main class, don't forget to specify your Project's Java SDK!


Open your Project Settings, add a new Artifact JAR "from modules with dependencies" select the Main class and build the artifact


The current patch loads all files provided as command line argument as instruction code and memory respectfully. For example:

$ java -jar micro16patcher.jar "code.m16" "code.m16m"

will open the micro16 simulator with the code contained in the file code.m16 and the memory contained in code.m16m

The format of the memory file is '[ADDRESS] [VALUE]', you can either use hex, binary or decimal, make sure to always keep the required format size, for example:

FFFF 0000000001111011
13   21

VSCode Task

Include this VSCode Task in your VSCode project to run Micro16 within VSCode. Make sure to add the modified jar into your new project root. This will open the current filename as memory and code, make sure to name your files accordingly (eg.: test.m16 and test.m16m, use the same base name)

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "Run with Micro16",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "java -jar ${workspaceFolder}/micro16patcher.jar \"${workspaceFolder}${pathSeparator}${relativeFileDirname}${pathSeparator}${fileBasenameNoExtension}.m16\" \"${workspaceFolder}${pathSeparator}${relativeFileDirname}${pathSeparator}${fileBasenameNoExtension}.m16m\"",
            "problemMatcher": [],
            "group": {
                "kind": "build",
                "isDefault": true