
LinkedIn bot to perform automatic tasks

Primary LanguagePython


LinkedIn bot to perform automatic tasks


$ git clone https://github.com/emichester/linkedin_bot.git
$ cd linkedin_bot
$ mkdir config && touch config/data.py
$ mkdir -p config/session && touch config/session/session.ini && touch config/credentials.ini

$ echo "
session_id = ''
executor_url = ''
" > config/session/session.ini

$ echo "
name = 'username@server.com'
password = 'L1nk3d1n_passw0rd'
" > config/session/credentials.ini
$ chmod +x bot_firefox_init.py
$ chmod +x bot_firefox_instance.py

Go to your favorite web browser and find the user data folder, here you have the firefox default directory. Once you have it:

$ echo "USER_DATA_PATH = 'path/to/your/user/data/folder'" > config/data.py

If you use Firefox

Download "geckodriver" from here. Then:

$ tar -xvzf geckodriver*
$ chmod +x geckodriver
$ sudo mv geckodriver /usr/bin/

Install dependencies

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


Open a terminal to run the following script to launch an instance of the webdriver

$ ./bot_firefox_init.py

Then run the instance of the process you want to follow

$ ./bot_firefox_instance.py

Note: One single functionality for the moment.


connect to people related to a specific subject i.e. artificial intelligence

Type a subject

$ ---> Introduce a subject (default='computer visions'): DevOps

Then press enter.


  • Some other functions