
Easiest way to make non-public methods accessible

Primary LanguagePHP


Build Status codecov

It is very hard to test a protected or private method when using testing tool like PHPUnit. With Revelation, you can access all the methods and properties by using a simple function.

Supported Versions

  • PHP 7.1 or higher


Use Composer:

composer require --dev knj/revelation

Quick Start

Try the code below (with autoload):


use function Wazly\Revelation\reveal;

$obj = new class {
    private function do() {
        return 'You called private method successfully!';

echo reveal($obj)->do();


Revelation Object

Create a Revelation object so that you can access non-public methods and properties.


class Stuff
    private $privateProperty;

    public function __construct($a, $b)
        $this->privateProperty = $a + $b;

    private function privateMethod($x, $y)
        $this->privateProperty = $x + $y;

        return $this;

To create it with Stuff object, use reveal() helper function.


use function Wazly\Revelation\reveal;

$stuff = new Stuff(1, 2);
$stuff = reveal($stuff);       // now $stuff is a Revelation object
echo $stuff->privateProperty;  // 3
$stuff->privateMethod(1, 100);
echo $stuff->privateProperty;  // 101

Ways to Create a Revelation Object

// use function Wazly\Revelation\reveal;
reveal(Stuff::class, 1, 2);
reveal(function ($a, $b) { return new Stuff($a, $b); }, 1, 2);

// use Wazly\Revelation;
Revelation::wrap(Stuff::class, 1, 2);
Revelation::wrap(function ($a, $b) { return new Stuff($a, $b); }, 1, 2);

Getting Original Object

getOriginal() retrieves reference to the original object.

$stuff = reveal($stuff);
echo get_class($stuff);                // Wazly\Revelation
echo get_class($stuff->getOriginal()); // Stuff

Reference to the Original Object

Revelation objects created with the same object have the same reference to the original object.

$rev1 = reveal($stuff);
$rev1->privateMethod(1, 2);

$rev2 = reveal($stuff);
$rev2->privateMethod(3, 4);

echo $rev1->privateProperty; // 7 not 3
echo $rev2->privateProperty; // 7

If you want different Revelation objects not to have the same reference, use Revelation::clone().

$rev1 = reveal($stuff);
$rev1->privateMethod(1, 2);

$rev2 = Revelation::clone($stuff);
$rev2->privateMethod(3, 4);

echo $rev1->privateProperty; // 3
echo $rev2->privateProperty; // 7

Method Chaining

return $this never return the original object itself so that the Revelation object can chain methods.

reveal($stuff)->privateMethod(1, 2)->privateMethod(3, 4);

Static Method and Property

getStatic() and callStatic() are available.

class A
    protected static $staticProperty = 'static';

    protected static function className()
        return __CLASS__;

    protected static function selfName()
        return self::className();

    protected static function staticName()
        return static::className();

class B extends A
    protected static function className()
        return __CLASS__;

echo reveal(B::class)->getStatic('staticProperty'); // static
echo reveal(B::class)->callStatic('className');     // B
echo reveal(B::class)->callStatic('selfName');      // A
echo reveal(B::class)->callStatic('staticName');    // B

Passing Variables by Reference

A method called from Revelation object cannot receive variables by referece because __call() cannot do so. This problem can be solved by making closure yourself:

class X
    private function callPassByReferenceMethod($val, &$ref)
        static::passByReference($val, $ref);

    private static function passByReference($val, &$ref)
        $ref = $ref ?? 1;
        $ref += $val;

$closure1 = reveal(X::class)->bind(function ($val, &$ref) {
    $this->callPassByReferenceMethod($val, $ref);

$closure2 = reveal(X::class)->bind(function ($val, &$ref) {
    static::passByReference($val, $ref);

$closure1(99, $ref);
echo $ref; // 100
$closure2(100, $ref);
echo $ref; // 200