
Kaitai Project homepage

Primary LanguageHTML

kaitai.io - Kaitai Project homepage

Kaitai Struct homepage at kaitai.io is a static site generated by Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages.

Jekyll generates static output .html files from source Markdown (.md) pages and a few .html layouts (templates) from folder _layouts/.

The Markdown dialect used is kramdown. Here's the syntax quick reference guide.

The site uses Bootstrap v3.3.6 to simplify CSS coding and to ensure the decent appearance and design of the page.

Jekyll configuration is present in file _config.yml. Possible configuration options can be found in the Jekyll docs.

Local testing

Installing Jekyll

You need to have Jekyll installed on your machine to be able to build the generated site locally. Run jekyll --version to find out. If you don't have it, try running:

gem install jekyll bundler

If this fails, follow the Jekyll installation guide for your OS.

Jekyll commands

To build the site and place the generated files into the _site/ folder, run:

jekyll build

However, this is pretty useless for local testing, because it runs only once, and you would need to run this every time you make a change in the source files. Much more useful command is:

jekyll serve

It builds the site, lanuches a local server at, watches the source files and rebuilds the site every time they are changed. This makes the testing much easier.