
Pattern Mathcing Lib for arguments of functions, FP

Primary LanguagePython

ElixirJizniPy is a Pattern Matching lib for python

Coverage Status

ElixirJizniPy is small lib, inspired by Elixir pattern matching concept

How it works ?

from elixirjiznypy import pm

def your_function(here_is_arguments_as_pattern):
#another one
def your_function(here_is_arguments_as_pattern):
#and another one
def your_function(here_is_arguments_as_pattern):
#here we go
def your_function(here_is_arguments_as_pattern):

Some examples

When you have to deal with states in function, pattern mathcing is right choice. In fact function is class, consequantly you can generate functions with patterns map(pm, functions), where you function.name="some_common_name" in fuinctions and dont forget to make a signature with inspect! May be I'll show it, may be not, idk.

#Natürlich we are gonna write fibonacci sequence

def fib(n:int=0)->int:
    return 1
def fib(n:int=1)->int:
    return 1
def fib(n:int)->int:
    return fib(n-1)+f(n-2)


#it worls really good with recursion(dynamical programming for example) and switch cases

def edit_distance(s1: string, s2: string):
    def some_distance(u, v)->int:
    def _edit_distance(i:int=0, j:int=0)-int:
        return 0
    def _edit_distance(i:int=0, j:int)->int:
        return i
    def _edit_distance(i:int, j:int=0)->int:
        return j
    def _edit_distance(i:int, j:int)->int:
        return min(_edit_distance(i, j-1)+1, _edit_distance(i-1, j)+1, _edit_distance(i-1, j-1)+some_distance(s1[i], s2[j]))
    return _edit_distance(len(s1)-1, len(s2)-1)

Available Patterns, Yeah!

def f(x:type|class|,......) #typed pos args

When, there is no match value(default) pm matches with type, if no type and no value is angegeben it matches with argument

def f(x:int=1, y:str="a") #valued

When, there is no type pm takes type(value) as type(annotation)

def f(a, b, c, *args) #prefix match


def f(a=[1, EmptyDefaultValue(), 3, EmptyDefaultValue()])

EmplyDefaultValue means it can be any value eq->True for every arguments(pure function kstati), yeap it is instance, i have Singelton, but idk, next commit!

And something more......


  • firstcommit!
  • refactor
  • add conditional patterns
  • add Generics
  • add regexp
  • add machine learning and blockchlen SWITCH OPERATOR FOR PYTHON!
  • CI/CD and so on....