
// group decision to practice with SQL database // Setup our package.json, and server requirements

  1. "npm init" in console, answer all questions or ('npm initi -y')
  2. install express, pg ("post gres" / sequel), and nodemon "npm install express pg" "npm i -D nodemon"
  3. set up index.html file (! shortcut)
  4. create index.css file ** Note 5 & 6 check href pathway is correct, especially if files are nested in sub folders
  5. link css file to index.html ()
  6. link index.js to index.html (<script src="PATHWAY"></script>)
  7. To create an element, first create a variable and assign it to (document.createElement('element name)) --startHeader.innerHTML = 'Whatever you want to display' --document.appendChild(variable name) --> Use this approach to add all additional elements to our HTML page

// setting up SQL database

  1. login into elephant SQL (https://www.elephantsql.com/)

  2. Click on " new instance", create name and select region

  3. Once instance is created use selected details to insert into server.js file password, URL, possibly API-key? server: lallah.db.elephantsql.com (lallah-01) password: b3A9eY8IEb0AxoyGsv78vxZZEoKv7rbF URL: postgres://jnsouugl:b3A9eY8IEb0AxoyGsv78vxZZEoKv7rbF@lallah.db.elephantsql.com/jnsouugl API Key: 640c1843-4050-4df7-8aa5-8bb613fdc7ca

    const dbKEY = process.env.SQL_KEY const dbKey = postgres://jnsouugl:b3A9eY8IEb0AxoyGsv78vxZZEoKv7rbF@lallah.db.elephantsql.com/jnsouugl

// set up our BE server file

  1. Call our path / express files and require the correct modules to use /* const path = require('path') const express = require('express') */
  2. Declare the app variable and assign to express
  3. Use app.use passing in the following commands to handle parsing request body. /* app.use(express.json()); app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true })); */

//Set up our database

  1. create a model.js file that includes: // importing a module in Node.js. We're loading a module, which is a third part library for connecting to PostgreSQL databases in node.js, called 'pg(postgres)' --detructure Pool and require in a postgres module (const { Pool } = require('pg')) --declare a constant PG_URI and set its value to the database key --create a new instance of Pool and set the key connectionString to the value of PG_URI --export the module ()
  2. create a route controller file a-- require in the route to the database model.js file b-- declare a constant variable and set its value to an object literal c-- create a route controller that passes in req, res, next d-- declare a variable that will create a query to the database (const search = 'SELECT * FROM tasks_table';) e-- query the database, passing in the previously declared variable (db.query(search)) f-- then pass in data and assign it to a property on res.locals (.then((data) => { res.locals.tasks = data; return next(); })) g-- catch any errors (db.catch(err))
  3. Create a schema for the db. Find out if we need to initialize our table (CREATE TABLE) schema within the elephant SQL browser, or if there's a way to initialize the table within VS code.

Tasks for tomorrow:

  • Create basicl CRUD routes and middle ware
  • Test those routes in POSTMAN to see if we can CRUD the tasks within our database
  • Create input forms in our front end using dom manipulation
  • Test FE inputs and submit form to see if it works with Database