This repository contains an assembly language project that demonstrates basic graphics programming in VGA mode. The program sets the video mode to 256-color graphics, then draws a series of colored pixels across the screen using BIOS interrupts.
- VGA Graphics Mode Setup: Initializes the screen to 256-color graphics mode (13h).
- Pixel Drawing: Draws pixels on the screen with increasing color values.
- Loop and Conditional Logic: Uses loops and conditional jumps to control pixel drawing and program flow.
The program sets up the data segment and initializes the VGA graphics mode.
.MODEL SMALL ; Adjust code segments to 64KB
.STACK ; Stack segment
.DATA ; Declare variables and constants
ATRIB DB 5 ; Initial color value (magenta)
.CODE ; Code segments
MOV DS, AX ; Load data segment
MOV CX, 1 ; Initialize pointer for line
MOV AH, 0 ; Service 0 of INT 10 to set video mode
MOV AL, 13H ; VGA mode (256 colors)
INT 10H ; Set graphics mode
The program draws pixels in a loop, adjusting the color and position for each iteration.
OTRO: ; Loop until CX reaches 101
MOV DX, CX ; Adjust pointer on Y axis
MOV AL, ATRIB ; Set color for current pixel
MOV AH, 0CH ; Service 0C of INT 10 to write a pixel
INT 10H ; Draw pixel
CMP CX, 101 ; Check if CX has reached 101
JZ FIN ; Jump to FIN if true
INC CX ; Increment CX (adjust pointer on X axis)
ADD ATRIB, 2 ; Increment ATRIB by 2
JMP OTRO ; Repeat loop
The program exits cleanly after drawing the pixels.
MOV AX, 4C00H ; Successful exit
- Assemble and link the code using an assembler (e.g., TASM, MASM).
- Run the executable.
- The program will enter VGA graphics mode and draw a series of colored pixels on the screen.
: Stores the current color value for pixel drawing.CX
: Loop counter and pointer for pixel position.