This is a front-end, single page web app built in pure Javascript as part of the Maker's Academy course. This particular project could be built in teams, or in pairs. I opted to work as part of a team, and my three colleagues and I completed this project in just under three days. The only guidance we were given to complete this SPA were three user stories (see below) and resources to use as this was everyone's first experience with creating SPAs.
We created this SPA so that a user is able to create a note, see that note saved elsewhere on the page, and then click on that link to bring it onto the 'remember' section; if a note was longer than 20 characters then it is abbreviated and a '...' is shown at the end to indicate there is more content to be read.
At time of completion the SPA did not have data persistence; each time the page is refreshed the data is lost. If time had permitted the plan would have been to have been to build in a database for persistence.
- Clone the repo:
- cd notes-app
- open index.html
As a programmer
I can see a list of my notes, where each note is abbreviated to the first 20 characters
So I can find the one I want
As a programmer
I can create a new note
So I can record something I need to remember
As a programmer
I can see the full text of an individual note on its own page
So I can see all the information in the note
Contributors: Blanca Mendizabal Perello | Dionysis Kastellanis | Anna Lucking