
The installation files necessary to use UIHelper

Primary LanguagePowerShell


The installation files necessary to use UIHelper


The following assumes that you are using workbench. However, CreateUiFromlayout.bat will run from the command-line also so workbench is not necessary. If you do not use workbench, skip steps 1 - 2 below and copy the UIHelper into the main mod directory. If you use workbench, the follow all steps 1 - 4.

These instructions are based on the folder structure below, which is based on Dabsframework which in turn was based off of the expansion mod structure.


Step 1 -- build.c
Build.c contains a simple structure for implementing commands through the plugins menu in workbench. You should already have a build.c so make a backup of that file. You can either copy the entire build.c file provided or else copy the portion of the file that relates to UIHelper and paste it into yours. image

Step 2 -- CreateUiFromLayout.bat

CreateUiFromLayout.bat is called by build.c from step 1. Simply copy it into the batchfiles directory.

Step 3 -- UIHelper folder

Copy the entire UIHelper folder and all its subfolders into the Workbench folder.

Step 4 -- UIHelper.cfg

Open UIHelper.cfg in notepad++ and replace the file paths so that they point to your layouts, scripts, and inputs folder. Note that the script requires the slash at the end.


Close and restart workbench. You should have an option in plugins to createuifromlayout.

Note. If you have a different folder structure you may have to make changes to scripts. Feel free to contact me on discord Kpro # 3271 or on Enfusion Modders Discord for help installing.