None for now!
- AI Chatbots to understand concepts and existing code
No problems, works with all features as asked.
Learning was a bit steep without foundational knowledge. Fun YES! Learning YES! Not sure when you will scale me to a level of making that Marvel movie you have shown in intro class but I am waiting patiently with lot of hopes. As long as this expectation is met, it won't be a waste of time. Thanks for very detailed requirements sheet.
- I have tried adding a rotation feature like you did in sample output file and it works perfect.
- I have also added feature to change background.
- Adding to all that if you ever want to see teapot again, hit 't'. Ofcourse you still need to load one obj file everytime then switch.
You need to specify the object file to load at all times like below:
./assignment_0 < torus.obj