
Monorepository for starting your 🐶 projects with React, Node.JS, mongodb and certbot ssl certificates

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

🐶 Pet Starter

What is the problem? I have an idea of another application, but I constantly have to deal with similar problems: the choice of a router, insufficient configurability of existing solutions, the frontend code lives separately from the backend (in different repositories, although at the initial stage I want everything to be close in one place).

This is the basic template for a mono repository, which includes a client application with server rendering on React and an api server on Node.js. Both applications are written in typescript, and all configuration files are provided for modification. This project is designed to help those who want to quickly start their project, test any hypothesis, and for those who lack existing solutions for static generation of sites or projects with server side rendering that cover only the frontend part of the project.

What has already been implemented?

  • SSR (Server side rendering)
  • webpack watch with browser live reload(via the Server Sent Events)
  • css modules
  • React Helmet for SEO optimizations
  • service worker (workbox)
  • static serving from nginx with gzip
  • routing based on the file structure - just create a file in the pages directory and after launching yarn dev, you will have a new route (for example, if you create a file /pages/detail/:someParam.tsx, this page will open in browser for requests /detail/whateverParamValue123)
  • Getting data on the server is implemented by adding the exported getSSRProps function, for example:
import axios from "axios";

export const getSSRProps = async (params: RouteParams = {}) => {
  const response = await axios.get(`/api/details/${params.id}`);
  // `response.data` will be available in the `ssrData` prop of the page component after rendering
  return response.data;
  • Requests that are sent to /api/* will be proxied by nginx (which runs in docker) to the express server, which is located in the api folder. You can replace it with something that is convenient for you, the main thing is not to forget to fix the respective scripts in package.json files in the root folder and package.json which located in /api/ folder.

  • mongodb is used as the database by default. Mongoose used for work with mongobd (see /api folder which contain base example post and get methods and work with mongoose models)

  • for production used certbot with Let's Encrypt ssl certificate

How do I get started ?

First, you need node, docker and docker-compose installed on your machine to run the project, otherwise the requests will not be proxied to api express server which located in api folder

You also need installed yarn (checked on version 3 yarn) on your machine, cause this monorepo used yarn workspaces.

If docker and docker-compose (Docker Desktop) are already installed, just open terminal and:

git clone git@github.com:alexej3ajtsev/pet-starter.git /path/to/your/project

cd /path/to/your/project


yarn dev

After these commands you can open your browser at http://localhost see that everything works!

How to build and run production build ?

First, you need change DOMAIN and DOMAIN_EMAIL in .env file wich located in root folder and set NODE_ENV to production, then run in the terminal while at the root of the project yarn patch:ssl:configs

The next thing you need is run in the terminal

сd /path/to/project/root/nginx

After that in the root project folder run

yarn build
yarn docker:up
yarn start

If everything went well you should see following lines in terminal

api server started on port 3000
🔛 Successfully connected to mongodb://{DB_USERNAME}:{DB_PASSWORD}@localhost:27017/{DB_NAME}?authSource=admin
SSR server started on port 8080 🚀

Check running docker containers docker ps, if everything went well they (nginx:alpine, certbot/certbot, mongo) must have the status Up

After that go to the your domain in browser and check that everythings works properly 🙂

All nginx configurations located in nginx folder and all docker files located in docker folder, You can configure everything as you need with these files.

How configure webpack configurations ?

Client SSR app used webpack5 for build and it's configurations located in client/webpack folder, you can change it as you need, also you can modify client/tsconfig.json

Api express server build going through tsconfig.json configuration file, which is located in api/tsconfig.json

what's with the database ?

By default used mongodb with mongoose, but you can change it if you want, credentials for connect with database located in .env file, which located in root folder. Don't forget remove them, cause .env files should not be stored in the repository for security reasons (here they are just for an example of the content that is expected in them).