
Primary LanguageC


An interpreter for Monty ByteCodes files.

Project Notes


monty runs on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS


All programs and functions will be compiled with gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic version 4.8.4


All code is written in Betty style. Information about this style can be found at https://github.com/holbertonschool/Betty/wiki


Protoypes of all functions used are included in header file monty.h

Monty Language Notes

Monty 0.98 is a scripting language that is first compiled into Monty byte codes. Monty relies on a unique stack, with specific instructions to manipulate it.

How to use monty

  1. Clone the repository: $ git clone https://github.com/KRLoyd/monty.git
  2. Compile all files: $ gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o monty

To run a file containing Monty byte codes: 3. Run the executable: $ ./monty <file>


  • push
    • Usage: push <int>
    • Pushes an element to the stack
  • pall: prints all the values on the stack, starting from the top.
  • pint: prints the value at the top of the stack
  • pop: removes the top element of the stack
  • swap: swaps the two top elements of the stack
  • add: adds the top two elements of the stack
  • nop: doesn't do anything (ADVANCED)
  • sub: subtracts the top element of the stack from the second top element of the stack
  • div: divides the second top element of the stack by the top element of the stack
  • mul: multiplies the second top element of the stack with the top element fo the stack
  • mod: computes the rest of the division of the second top element of the stack by the top element of the stack



Header file with prototypes for all functions and structs used in the interpreter.


  • main_monty.c: the main_monty function from which all other files' execution originates.
  • check_funcs.c: includes:
    • check_args: function to check if arguments are passed
    • check_push_val: function to assess if push argument is an integer
  • free_func.c: includes:
    • free_everything: function to call all free functions
    • free_pointers: function to free double pointers
    • free_stack: function to free stack
  • helper_funcs.c: includes:
    • convert_push_arg: converts string to integer
    • make_struct: mallocs space for global struct
    • stack_len: finds the number of nodes in a stack
    • find_func: searches for the op_code or prints message and return error
  • parsers.c: includes:
    • parse: tokenizes buffer from getline into arguments for assessment
    • parse_check: checks that buff is not NULL and mallocs space for tok_args
  • op_math.c: includes:
    • op_add: setting first node's value to the sum of the first two nodes' values
    • op_sub: sets first node's value to the remainder of subtracting the second node and it is removed
    • op_mul: multiply first and second node's values and store in the first node
    • op_div: divides second node's value by the first and stores in first node
    • op_mod: divides second nodes's value by first and remainder is stored in first node
  • op_other.c: includes:
    • op_pall: prints all n values on stack
    • op_pint: print n value at the top of the stack
    • op_nop: does nothing!
  • op_stack_manipulation.c: includes:
    • op_push: pushes a new node with n value to the stack
    • op_pop: removes/frees value at top of stack
    • op_swap: swaps the first two n values in the stack with one another


Currently, monty does not have comment handling capability.


There are no known bugs at this time. If a bug is encountered, please contact one of the authors, listed below.



Public Domain, no copywrite protection