
Primary LanguageC


A version of printf named _printf created by Kristen Loyd and Wendy Segura.

_printftakes a pointer to a constant character as the first parameter, and a number of subsequent parameters. The first parameter contains conversion specifiers for the subsequent arguments.

Function prints the specified arguments in a formatted style and returns the number of characters printed.

Example of _printf function:

_printf("Hello %s%c", "World", '!')

  • Output: prints to stdout: Hello World!

Project Notes


All files are in the Betty style. Notes on this style can be found at https://github.com/holbertonschool/Betty/wiki


All files will be compiled with the following: $ gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c

Conversion Specifiers

The following conversion specifiers are handled with _printf:

  • %c: single character
  • %s: string of characters
  • %d: signed integer
  • %i: signed integer

To Fix

Currently, _printf cannot handle anything that needs an output of more than 1024 characters. In the future, we will fix this issue by either a) creating a check for our buffer or b) using _putchar to print everything to standard output and not using a buffer.


  • README.md : Current file, contains information about this project
  • holberton.h : Header file, contains all prototypes for funcitons used, as well as libriaries.
  • _printf.c : Contains the code for _printf
  • _putchar.c: File for function that prints a character
  • pf_funcs.c: File containing the specific functions for conversion specifiers
  • man_3_printf: man page for our _printf
  • testing: folder for test files