A package for ontology engineering with deep learning and language models.
- 3
BERTMapPipeline crashes on custom ontologies
#21 opened by cmdoret - 5
BERTMap: ValueError: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 96 from C header, got 88 from PyObject
#22 opened by dersuchendee - 8
installation: cannot import java related packages
#20 opened by cmdoret - 1
embedding ontology
#19 opened by afrooze - 12
Repeated error message regarding BERT's configuration while using BertMap with custom ontologies
#18 opened by bazyagami - 3
Consistency checking
#16 opened by Demirrr - 4
Verbaliser throws KeyError
#17 opened by alkidbaci - 1
Small typo in the documentation.
#15 opened by alkidbaci - 1
- 5
Generating results for EditSim
#2 opened by Murchana - 2
REST API with Dockerfile
#12 opened by Minitour - 8
division by zero error in AnnotationThesaurus
#11 opened by Danysan1 - 1
BERTMap Stuck at Mapping Extension
#8 opened by Lawhy - 1
Disable INFO level message of ELK reasoner.
#13 opened by Lawhy - 3