
PTPL File content viewer, see the insights of PTPL files created by MCreator

Primary LanguagePython

PTPL CLI Transcoder


The PTPL CLI Transcoder is a command-line tool designed to decode .ptpl files into .xml and encode .xml files back into .ptpl format. This tool is designed for working with PTPL files generated by the MCreator program.

How it Works


When decoding, the tool:

  1. Reads the .ptpl file as a gzip-compressed archive.
  2. Extracts and decodes the base64-encoded XML content.
  3. Formats the XML for readability.
  4. Outputs the result to the console or saves it to a specified file.


When encoding, the tool:

  1. Reads the XML file.
  2. Encodes the content into base64.
  3. Compresses the encoded data using gzip.
  4. Outputs the result to a .ptpl file.


Run the transcoder.py script with the following syntax:

python transcoder.py [-d | -e] <file_path> [--output <output_path>] [--verbose]

Or download ptpl-transcoder package from PyPI!

pip install ptpl-transcoder

And replace python transcoder.py in commands with ptpl-transcoder!


  • -d, --decode: Decode a .ptpl file into XML.
  • -e, --encode: Encode an XML file into .ptpl format.
  • <file_path>: The path to the input file. Use a .ptpl file for decoding or an XML file for encoding.
  • --output, -o: (Optional for decoding) Specify the path to save the output file. If not provided, decoded XML content is printed to the console.
  • --verbose, -v: (Optional) Enable verbose output for detailed processing information.


Decode a .ptpl File

To decode a .ptpl file and print the result:

python transcoder.py -d example.ptpl

To decode a .ptpl file and save the XML to output.xml:

python transcoder.py -d example.ptpl -o output.xml

Encode an XML File

To encode an XML file and save the .ptpl to output.ptpl:

python transcoder.py -e example.xml -o output.ptpl


This tool is intended for use in the PTPL Editor project. PTPL files are generated by the MCreator program.


  • Python 3.x
  • Required libraries:
    • argparse
    • base64
    • gzip
    • lxml