
This repository holds our application for the XRHackathon @Telekom-hub:raum in Berlin

Primary LanguageC#

Eye of the Sky - cloudxr-hackathon

This repository holds our application for the XRHackathon @Telekom-hub:raum in Berlin



  • Unity 2019.2.9f1
  • SteamVR Plugin 1.2.3

Unity Project Organisation

Please keep the project clean and tidy, so noone gets confused to much! Feel free to add additional basic functionality as feature folder. The project should be organised as shown below:

  • Assets
    • MainApplication
      • Animations
      • Materials
      • Models
      • Scripts
      • Scenes
    • FeatureXYZ
      • Animations
      • Models
      • Materials
      • Scripts
      • Scenes
  • ProjectSettings
  • UnityPackages

Documentation & Getting Started

Just clone this project to get started immediately with your VR project. You can rename it to transform it in your own project or just demo functionalities. To copy a certain feature duplicate the scene. This head starts your development by the following features:


The MainApplication folder holds two features inside, basic bezier curve teleportation and custom hands.

Read and follow those rules Unity Project Organisation.

Code Styleguide

We try to follow this Unity C# code styleguide. Feel free to discuss those guidelines.