Chapter II Challenge from Ignite @Rocketseat
Add a new product to the cart;
Remove a product from the cart;
Change the quantity of a product in the cart;
Calculation of sub-total and total cart prices;
Stock validation;
Display of error messages;
should be able to render the amount of products added to cart
should be able to render each product quantity added to cart
should be able to add a product to cart
should be able to increase/decrease a product amount
shoud be able to remove a product
should be able to initialize cart with localStorage value
should be able to add a new product
should not be able add a product that does not exist
should be able to increase a product amount when adding a product that already exists on cart
should not be able to increase a product amount when running out of stock
should be able to remove a product
should not be able to remove a product that does not exist
should be able to update a product amount
should not be able to update a product that does not exist
should not be able to update a product amount when running out of stock
should not be able to update a product amount to a value smaller than 1