
This repo is the frontend of the web application - CarGuru

CarGuru is a SaaS service that relies on Amazon Web Services to provide accurate second-hand car trading information. With the help of cloud technology, CarGuru is able to scale easily and utilize big data and machine learning techniques to evaluate cars and make precise recommendations with reliability, which enables users to decide with needed information and thus improves user experience. Focusing on the actual needs of individuals, CarGuru provides easy access to the second-hand car market that allows users to find objective second-hand car trading information without any struggles.

The frontend is implemented using HTML, Javascript and CSS.

Deploy and start

  1. Firstly, start an AWS EC2 instance, using AMI ami-0801a1e12f4a9ccc0. For how to start an AWS EC2 instance, see AWS EC2 get started

    Be sure to give SSH, HTTP and HTTPS inbound rules to the security group of the instance.

  2. Log in to the running instance using ssh

    ssh -i path-to-the-key-file ec2-user@public-ipv4-address-of-the-instance
  3. Run the following commands to install the software needed.

    sudo yum update
    sudo yum install git
    sudo yum install httpd
  4. Clone this repo into the path /var/www/html using the following command

    git clone

  5. Start apache server

    sudo service httpd start
  6. Now access the url of the homepage index.html
