
Database Tables Name



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How to apply:


  • Design your page to be shown in User Interface.
  • To manage route path for view files, change location in view function located in helper function as well as redirect function.
  • For routing, declare urls, controllers and its functions in web.php.
  • Custom functions or Middleware functions must be declared in resources/template/utilities.php which need to be connected view files.


  • Declare your database table, column and neglect timestamp (if necessary) in app/Model.


  • Controllers must extend DatabaseController while it needs to interact with Database Model since database connection is declared in DatabaseController.
  • While utilities.php is for view files, helper.php is for Controller. You can add Custom functions in helper.php to use in your Controllers.


  • Use htmlentities or htmlspecialchars for R (read process) in CRUD to prevent html injection and xss injection.
  • Use prepare statement for database query to prevent sql injection.
  • For Brute Force Attack, strong password has been used. You can also add some attempt process for incorrect password using sleep function to be more secure.