Pinned issues
- 1
Help with mathematical models
#507 opened by expolrer - 9
Downloads are slow and sometimes just stop
#463 opened by Pagong27Gaming - 1
Mod description edit page scroll position glitch
#502 opened by Codenade - 17
New game: IXION
#499 opened - 1
- 4
Alter Mod overview page for games with no mods
#484 opened by V1TA5 - 3
Thumbnail image artefacts
#489 opened by V1TA5 - 1
- 1
- 1
Turn the ksp-game-id var into db flags
#329 opened by V1TA5 - 0
[Feature] Admin users page improvements
#413 opened by HebaruSan - 2
advanced search
#473 opened by razerstrike - 14
Find the cause for the nightly latency spikes
#344 opened by DasSkelett - 1
- 1
[BUG] Search help obscures the mod page
#476 opened by Monniasza - 2
Add additonal authors
#468 opened by zer0Kerbal - 0
[Feature] Lock icon for locked mods
#474 opened by HebaruSan - 4
- 0
[Feature] ClamAV scanning at upload
#404 opened by HebaruSan - 0
[Feature] Consider new logic for profiling
#409 opened by HebaruSan - 1
[Feature] Add list of locked mods to admin section
#403 opened by HebaruSan - 0
[Feature] Draft status for blog posts
#406 opened by HebaruSan - 2
Website is hard to read on wide screens
#390 opened by Trainzack - 12
Rich text formatting for changelogs in emails
#399 opened by zer0Kerbal - 19
- 0
Upload Speeds
#464 opened by V1TA5 - 4
- 0
- 1
- 5
[Feature] Show similar mods on mod page
#424 opened by HebaruSan - 5
Add World of Warcraft addons and Minecraft mods
#433 opened by Xinayder - 6
[Feature] Separate images for mod thumbnail and banner
#291 opened by mwerle - 2
[Tech debt] Purge the Bootstrap hacks (finally)
#405 opened by HebaruSan - 2
[Infra] Move logging.ini to logging.ini.example
#408 opened by HebaruSan - 6
[Bug] Bad selection menu on Chrome mobile
#391 opened by Monniasza - 2
new Upvote button, ignore auto-updated followed mods
#333 opened by yalov - 0
- 14
Fix YouTube embeds
#383 opened by DasSkelett - 11
SpaceDock serving corrupt zip files
#375 opened by Shades-McGee - 2
SpaceDock serving corrupt zip files
#376 opened by Shades-McGee - 0
[Feature] Permalink for mod change log
#315 opened by HebaruSan - 2
- 7
- 1
Thumbnails use png extension but are jpg
#308 opened by V1TA5 - 0
Quality setting for thumbnails in config.ini
#309 opened by V1TA5 - 2
Unable to upload large files
#250 opened by Gameslinx - 5
- 9
- 1
Alpha and Beta redirect to Prod in few occasions
#254 opened by DasSkelett - 2