
Fairing Expansion disable not retained after revert to hangar from launch.

HB-Stratos opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe your problem with KSPCF :
When a Fairing is set to Fairing Expansion: off, as expected this value is saved to the craft file, and upon loading said craft this is retained.
However, when one launches a craft with a expansion disabled fairing and then reverts to hangar, the expansion is enabled again.
Saving the craft after revert will also write all fairings isFadeLocked = false to the craft file, so seemingly the internal ram version of the craft does not keep the fadeLock state saved upon launch and revert.
A workaround is to load the craft in question from the menu after reverting, then the file from disk instead of from ram is used, which was not modified and still has the correct fade locked fairings. However, this is a rather slow process for big crafts.

**KSP version : **1.12.3
Link to your KSP.log file :
KSP.log (probably not too useful. First I loaded my Concorde and did a long flight. After that I built a small fairing craft, spawned it and returned to hangar to check the issue still persisted.)

Ho damn, it actually took me half a day to remember that the whole thing is a KSPCF feature.
Yeah, indeed the expansion toggle state is only remembered in the editor, I guess I wanted to avoid the overhead of saving it in flight. Will change that.