
Bugfix - Locked autostruts on landing gears

hohmannson opened this issue · 2 comments

Landing gears and wheels using stock module have their autostrut settings locked to "enabled" and "to most massive part". It's not safe in some situations(mostly docking of spaceplanes with big stuff) and may even cause krakens with legs being displaced on rocket spawn. It seems to be hardcoded, can't fix it through configs.

So what are you asking ?

To have the wheels autostrut PAW setting made user-toggleable like on regular parts ?

This being said, I have the feeling that wheels autostruting is forced for a technical reason. It might not be possible to change it without even worse side effects.

Implemented in release 1.2.0 : autostrut PAW option is now user-modifiable on wheels/legs, but still set to "heaviest part" by default.

Changing it doesn't seem to cause obvious side effects.