- The model training is supposed to run inside a docker container environment
- An extensive amount of speed-up is possible with a designated graphics card
- You need a supported NVIDIA GPU for multithreaded training
To start the container, run:
docker-compose up --build
To free space of old containers, run:
docker system prune --volumes
Important Before you get started, make sure you download the images of the dataset and place the min the corresponding target folder. (tf/input) The dataset is way too large for GitHub.
There are several files in this project serving different purposes:
- training_default.py -> Execute for training without image pre-processing and augmentation
- training_augmented.py -> Execute for training with image pre-processing and augmentation
- logs_to_plot.py -> Creates plots based off model training logs
- model_evaluation.py -> Evaluates test accuracy and loss on a model
- clustering.ipynb -> Interactive clustering jupyter notebook