
A library for Spigot plugins which aims to make item manipulation as easy as possible

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


The goal of this project is to provide a complete solution to item manipulation for Spigot plugins.

The methods provided in the Inventory interface lack the flexibility required for many kinds of item manipulation operations required by plugins. This library provides a set of item manipulation methods which should satisfy a far broader range of item manipulation needs.


ItemGiver.giveItems(player, SlotGroups.PLAYER_MAIN_INV, items);
ItemGiver.giveItems(container, SlotGroups.ENTIRE_INV, items);
// Given items will be put into empty slots. Partial stacks will be ignored
ItemGiver.giveItems(inventory, SlotGroups.ENTIRE_INV.filterSlots(ItemPredicates.onlyEmptyItems()), items);

ItemGiver.setItems(player, SlotGroups.PLAYER_ENTIRE_INV, savedInventory);
ItemGiver.setItems(player, SlotGroups.PLAYER_HOTBAR, lobbyItems);
ItemRemover.clearSlots(player, SlotGroups.PLAYER_ENTIRE_INV);
ItemRemover.clearSlots(player, SlotGroups.PLAYER_MAIN_INV.filterSlots(ItemPredicates.checkNamePredicate((itemName) -> itemName.startsWith("Orange"), true)));
ItemRemover.clearItems(inventory, SlotGroups.ENTIRE_INV, itemToClear);
ItemRemover.removeItems(player, SlotGroups.PLAYER_ENTIRE_INV, items);
ItemRemover.removeItem(player, SlotGroups.PLAYER_MAIN_INV, ItemPredicates.requireSimilarity(item), amountToRemove);
if (ItemUtil.hasRoomForItems(player, SlotGroups.PLAYER_MAIN_INV, itemsToGive)) {}
if (ItemUtil.hasAllItems(player, SlotGroups.PLAYER_MAIN_INV, items)) {}
if (ItemUtil.isEmptyItem(item)) {}
ItemStack[] compactedItems = ItemUtil.combineSimilarItems(items, respectMaxStackSize);
ItemStack saneItem = ItemUtil.makeEmptyItemAir(insaneSpigotApiItem /* See documentation */);

See more examples here.


Unfortunately, this library is not hosted on any public maven repositories. This means that the easiest way to use this library in your project is to download it. A pre-built jar can be found here.

Adding File Dependencies to Gradle

Jar files (located in the <project root>/libraries folder) can be added to a Gradle project by adding the following to the build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation(fileTree("libraries").matching {

Adding GitHub Packages Dependencies to Gradle

While this project is not hosted on any public maven repositories, it is hosted on a private one. That is, GitHub Packages. Authentication is required to use artifacts hosted on GitHub Packages, despite the artifacts being public (see the "Packages" sub-heading on the right).

Add the following to the build.gradle file to add this library to your project:

repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/KSashaDF/InventoryUtil/")
        credentials {
            username = "GITHUB USERNAME"
            password = "PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN"

dependencies {

To generate a personal access token for your GitHub account, see this page. The token only needs the read:packages permission.

If you do not wish to have your username and token visible in the build.gradle file, you can put it in the gradle.properties file instead. Use providers.gradleProperty("<property name>").get() to get properties from the gradle.properties file.

See this Stack Overflow answer for how to do this in a Maven project.