
A frontend for text/non-text image crawler & classifier service. Part of software course project.

Primary LanguageVue


A frontend for text/non-text image crawler & classifier service. Part of software course project.

Root repo: https://github.com/KSkun/Image-Text-Nontext-Classifier-Service


The frontend is developed with Vue 3 and Element Plus. It contains 2 pages and 4 sub-pages, use a frontend router by vue-router.

The frontend provides a simple and intuition interface for user to operate with the image classifier.

Login Page

login page

Main Page

main page

New Task Page

new task page

Task List Page

task list page

Task Detail Page

task detail page


Local Startup

  1. Run npm install.
  2. Run npm run serve, a development server will be up.


  1. Run npm install.
  2. Run npm run build, and get the build at dist folder.