
Utilities I use to simplify my life in the Linux system.

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT


My Linux configuration and utilities

I am using the latest Fedora installation.


  • Clone this repository.
  • Install the necessary software.
  • Run the setup.sh script which will symlink config files to their respective locations.
  • Once Firefox has been configured, manually symlink the user-overrides.js file to ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile-directory>.


Before reinstalling the system, backup the following:

  • Firefox profile: ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile-directory>:
    • places.sqlite;
    • bookmarkbackups;
    • favicons.sqlite;
    • sessionstore.jsonlz4.
  • Thunderbird profile: ~/.thunderbird/<profile-directory>.
  • Saved passwords: ~/.password-store.
  • Downloads directory: ~/Downloads.
  • Documents directory: ~/Documents.
  • Pictures directory: ~/Pictures.
  • Work directory: ~/Work.
  • OpenVPN script: /etc/openvpn/scripts/update-systemd-resolved.
    • The script addresses some issues encountered when connecting to work VPN. However, it sometimes breaks DNS settings. These must then be restored by executing sudo nvim /etc/resolv.conf, replacing the content by nameserver <dns-server-address> and restarting the network manager by sudo service NetworkManager restart.
    • This file needs executable permissions.
  • Export GPG keys.
    • gpg --armor --export-secret-keys <key-id> > <path-to-backup>/private.key
    • gpg --export-ownertrust > <path-to-backup>/ownertrust.txt
    • To restore, perform the following:
      • gpg --import <path-to-backup>/private.key
      • gpg --import-ownertrust <path-to-backup>/ownertrust.txt
  • Export SSH keys.
    • Export the ~/.ssh directory.
    • To restore, copy the directory back, cd into it, run the ssh agent (eval $(ssh-agent)) and perform the following (for each private & public key pair):
      • chmod 600 id_rsa
      • chmod 644 id_rsa.pub
      • ssh-add id_rsa
    • In case the added keys are not persistent and you are required to enter the private key password on every git push, add AddKeysToAgent yes to the top of ~/.ssh/config.

System installation

  • Update packages.
    • sudo dnf distro-sync -y && sync
  • Update firmware.
    • sudo fwupdmgr refresh && sudo fwupdmgr update --verbose
  • Enable SSD trimming.
    • sudo systemctl enable fstrim.timer
  • Download a hosts file.
    • sudo wget -O '/etc/hosts' 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/fakenews-gambling/hosts' && sync
    • The hosts script can be used here.
  • Backup LUKS headers.
  • Configure the touchpad on the X Window System.
    • Put the following inside /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-touchpad.conf.
      Section "InputClass"
          Identifier "touchpad"
          MatchIsTouchpad "on"
          Driver "libinput"
          Option "Tapping" "on"
          Option "NaturalScrolling" "on"


The following software should then be installed.

Window manager

  • i3, i3lock, i3status
    • sudo dnf install i3 i3lock i3status
  • feh
    • sudo dnf install feh
  • arandr
    • sudo dnf install arandr
  • rofi
    • sudo dnf install rofi
  • lxappearance
    • sudo dnf install lxappearance
    • Set the Adwaita-dark theme to kill the blinding white flash when opening a new tab in Firefox.
  • dunst
    • sudo dnf install dunst
  • maim
    • sudo dnf install maim
  • xclip
    • sudo dnf install xclip



  • git
    • sudo dnf install git
  • neovim
  • Emacs
    • sudo dnf install emacs
    • Note: My configuration requires Emacs >= 27.
  • Make
    • sudo dnf install make
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • PyCharm

System utilities

  • Alacritty
    • sudo dnf install alacritty
  • Fira Code
    • sudo dnf install fira-code-fonts
  • bash-completion
    • sudo dnf install bash-completion
  • ShellCheck
    • sudo dnf install ShellCheck
  • tmux
    • sudo dnf install tmux
  • fzf
    • sudo dnf install fzf
  • ag
    • sudo dnf install the_silver_searcher
  • htop
    • sudo dnf install htop
  • sensors
    • sudo dnf install lm_sensors -y && sudo sensors-detect --auto
  • pass
  • Virtual Machine Manager
    • sudo dnf install virt-manager
  • Docker
    • Instead of using dnf, follow the official instructions. The most-recent version is needed to get a proper cgroups support.
    • Create the docker group: sudo groupadd docker.
    • Add the current user to the group: sudo usermod -aG docker $USER.
    • Relog.



  • Discord
  • Telegram

Firefox configuration

This section addresses the configuration of the Firefox browser.

Post-installation cleanup

  • Create a new profile. Importing data from an old profile is addressed towards the end of this section.
  • Remove system addons
    • Either cd /usr/lib/firefox/browser/features or cd /usr/lib64/firefox/browser/features followed by sudo rm *.xpi
    • Note that this must be redone every time Firefox is updated


  1. Clear URLs
  • Prevent tracking injection over history API: enabled
  1. Facebook Container
  2. Firefox Multi-Account Containers
  • Create the desired containers, visit all matching sites in these containers and check Always open in this container
  • Then (if you wish) visit them again and check Remember my decision to always open them in the assigned container
  1. uBlock Origin
  • Settings
    • Hide placeholders of blocked elements: enabled
    • I am an advanced user: enabled -> set suspendTabsUntilReady to true -> I am an advanced user: disabled
    • Privacy
      • Enable all
    • Default behavior
      • Disable cosmetic filtering: disabled
  • Filter lists -- check the following
    • Auto-update filter lists
    • Parse and enforce cosmetic filters
    • My filters
    • Built-in
    • Ads
      • EasyList
    • Privacy:
      • EasyPrivacy
      • Fanboy’s Enhanced Tracking List
    • Malware domains: all
    • Annoyances
      • AdGuard Annoyances
      • EasyList Cookie
      • Fanboy's Annoyance
      • uBlock filters - Annoyances
    • Multipurpose
      • Dan Pollock's hosts file
      • Peter Lowe's Ad and tracking server list
    • Regions, languages
      • CZE, SVK: EasyList Czech and Slovak
      • RUS: RU AdList
    • Custom: Import this file for cryptominer blocking -- simply paste the link (not the file contents) to the 'custom' field.
  1. Temporary Containers
  • General
    • Automatic mode: enabled
  • Isolation
    • Navigation
      • Target Domain: Different from Tab Domain & Subdomains
    • Mouse Click
      • Middle Mouse: Different from Tab Domain & Subdomains
      • Ctrl/Cmd + Left Mouse: Different from Tab Domain & Subdomains
      • Left Mouse: Different from Tab Domain & Subdomains
  1. Vimium-FF
  • Add the following two rules to the blacklist. They are to disable vimium-ff in Jupyter notebooks, typically found on such URLs.
    • https?://localhost*;
    • https?://\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}*;


  • I use ghacks-user.js
  • Once the user-overrides.js file from this repository is symlinked to the Firefox profile directory, run the updater.sh script within the same directory.
  • The user-overrides.js file includes most of the about:preferences contents. The only exception is the Search engines section which must be manually edited.
    • Select DuckDuckGo as the default search engine, remove all engines except DuckDuckGo and Wikipedia and set d and w as their respective keywords.

Import data

  • Consult this document where each profile element can be found.
  • I transfer Bookmarks, Downloads and Browsing History (files places.sqlite, bookmarkbackups and favicons.sqlite) and Stored session (file sessionstore.jsonlz4).


  • Finally, after having fully configured Firefox, press Ctrl+Shift+Del and clear everything except Browsing & Download History.