|Finance App- Snappy Savings

Team Name: Django Unchained

​ [Link to Deployed Project](<<add_deployed_link_to_project_here>>) ​


User Experience

  • Easily navigate and use the website.
  • Create an account to track spending and if they can afford a purchase
  • Input their savings and what they want to buy
  • Recieve a quirky message on whether they can afford the purchase or not
​ ### User stories

As a user of the app I want the ability to have a password protected login, so that my financial information is safe. End user goal: Login using a username and password. End business goal: Increase app usage. Acceptance criteria: Allow user to create a profile with confirmation of password, allowing a user to login securely. Measurement of success:

As a user of the app I want the abiity to track my spending habits, so I can manage my finances. End user goal: See a display of recent transactions. End business goal: Improve customer satisfaction. Acceptance criteria: Allow user to see recent transactions and merchant catagories using an . Measurement of success:

As a user of the app I want to be motivated to not make purchases I cannot afford. End user goal: Recieve messages from the app when inputting something I can or cannot afford. End business goal: Make the app fun and increase customer retention. Acceptance criteria: When a user inputs something they can or cannot afford based upon their savings, they will recieve a related message. Measurement of success:

​ ## Technology: ​

Tech Stack

My Tech Stack


  • HTML: HTML was used to create the basic architecture of our website.
  • CSS: We used CSS to style our HTML elements, making them more eye catching to improve the user experience.
  • JavaScript:We chose JavaScript to generate an eyecatching and well presented website, providing a high quality user experience.
  • Bootstrap: Boostrap enables building of webpages quickly, which is key in short turnaround project.
  • Django: We chose Django for its relative ease of use, clean coding and simple but efficient way to debug and find mistakes.

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Plans and scope

We initially thought about what could set our application apart from other finance apps, and we came up with the idea of producing motivational/ funny messages based on whether the user can afford a purchase or not. We then discussed which API we would use and how this would allow the user to track spending. We started to concider the layout of the different pages of the application and decided, based upon early wireframes, that we would have a seperate page for returing users to login as well as for new users to create an account. We decided on an initial color scheme and elements of different pages and discussed how we would implement them

- Mobile Wireframes: ​ << put all your mobile wireframes here... >> ​ << consider adding some notes to detail the planned components or functionality >> ​
--> ​
- Desktop Wireframes:Desktop Wireframes ​ ​
​ ## Deployment << detail deployment methods used here, and any extraneous circumstances to run the project locally >> ​ ## Testing << detail testing logs here - any known bugs, and squashed bugs 🐛🐛 >> ​ ## Credits ​ ### Code << any and all code that isn't yours...must go here >> ​ ### Content << any content, such as facts/references/text that isn't yours...must go here >> ​ ### Media << you may have already done this above in the Imagery section, but just in case, please attribute Media acquisition here >> ​ ### Acknowledgements << personal thanks and praise 🙌 >>